About Crystal Woman

My entire life, I have had a very strong connection with crystals. As far back as the age of 3, I began picking up quartz, and only quartz, on walks with my family or when I was outdoors playing. While some of my friends were collecting dolls, I was collecting quartz.

By the age of 9, my quartz collection had grown to about 1,500 pounds. When it was time to return to the United States from Germany, where my father had been stationed, the military decided my 1500 lbs. of quartz were ROCKS, and would not ship them back as part of our household allowance. I was absolutely devastated to part with my beloved crystals, and then spent the next several weeks making sure that I found the perfect home on the earth for each one. However, once back in the USA, I began collecting crystals again!

When my Dad passed away, I purchased my first large crystal (it was 42 pounds). I put it in my living room in San Francisco and realized my awareness, sensitivity, clarity and consciousness were shifting significantly. The more I added large crystals to my collection, the more connection I felt to the earth, nature and all living beings. Living with these exquisite crystals is a joyful and consciousness expanding experience.

I have met many of my dearest friends and neighbors through the crystals, as well as beautifully conscious people from many parts of the world who have purchased crystals for their Temples and healing or meditation centers and retreats. I have met people, from different professions who have come to appreciate the benefits of crystals, as well as their beauty and light. Celebrities have bought crystals to create calm meditation or creativity spaces for their homes or art or music studios. Venture capitalists, technology and financial wizards have bought crystals for their homes and offices to ground and energize them. I have placed crystals in businesses, spas and not-for-profits to light and warm them and create an inviting energetic field.

Another very sophisticated and wealthy client asked me to conduct a custom search for crystals for various areas of his home, as he considered them to be beautiful art and light. After having lived with the crystals for some time, he was amazed at the positive changes he noticed in himself and bought several more.

Part of my purpose in life, is to get these crystals into the world to spread light, beauty and joy. Hopefully they will also raise the vibratory frequency and expand consciousness wherever they are. I’m looking forward to beginning our quest to connect you with crystals that are perfect for you.

Joy always,
Linda (Surya) Breitstone
Crystal Woman
